Ecsite is the Coordinator of the VOICES project. 28 Ecsite Members are involved in the project as Third Parties.
Michael Creek, consultant on European projects
Advisory Group
The VOICES Focus Group approach was validated by the VOICES Advisory Group, composed of 10 experts in public participation, RRI, urban waste/environment issues, social innovation, governance, qualitative methodologies in social research and the science museum field.
The Advisory group convened to fine-tune the methodology, agree on its definitive format and confirm the socio-demographic profiles for the citizens panels of the focus groups used by the recruitment agencies.
Experts of the Advisory Group
Anabela Carvalho, Department Of Communication Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal
Erik Kraak, Managing Director, PQR - Partners in Quality Research, The Netherlands
Fiona D. Wollensack, Senior Consultant, IFOK GmbH Brussels, Belgium
Florian Part, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Waste Management (BOKU), Vienna
Janjoost Jullens, Advisor, Instituut Maatschappelijke Innovatie (Institute for Social Innovation, IMI), The Netherlands
Julia Nowicka, Head of the Evaluation and Analysis Department, Copernicus Science Center, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
Maarten Goorhuis, Senior Policy Expert of The Royal Dutch NVRD (waste management association), The Netherlands
Roberto Caggiano, Consultant in waste and wastewater management, Rome, Italy
Steve Robinson, Managing Director, Strategic Consulting LTD, UK
Vanya Veras, Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Matthias Rapf, Universität Stuttgart- Institute of Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Waste Management Group Resources Management and Industrial Wastes (RIK), Germany
Joerg Hanewinkel, Managing Director, Neovis (independent consulting and engineering service provider), Germany
Mario Grosso, PhD, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Consolidation group
The main task of the Consolidation Group is to assess the citizen outcomes of the focus groups held all across Europe on the topic 'Urban Waste'. The aim is to provide the European Commission with advice and expertise on different fields in order to transform citizens' ideas (previously rated by the VOICES Advisory Board) into priorities for the next work programme on 'Urban Waste'.
The two-days Consolidation meeting took place at the European Commission in Brussels on 12-13 June 2013. The composition of the Group was diverse. Participants were selected from research and academia, business/industry/SMEs, public authorities, civil society and non-government organisations, and other key stakeholders.
Experts of the Consolidation Group
Filippo Addarii, Euclid Network
Yorg Aerts, OVAM Public Waste Agency for Flanders
Filipe Alves, Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento Sustentàvel
Hali Healy, King's College London
Corina Hebestreit, Euromines
Floriana La Marca, Sapienza University of Rome
Leida Rijnhout, ANPED
Aurela Shtiza, IMA-Europe - Industrial Minerals Association
Joan Marc Simon, No Burn (GAIA and ZERO WASTE)
An independent evaluation will assess and corroborate the quality of the project and the participatory processes providing suggestions for improvements in the future.
Richard Watermeyer, holds a Ph.D in sociology from Cardiff University's internationally esteemed, School of Social Sciences, and has research interests located at the interface of science and technology studies and the sociology of education. In both areas he is widely published but has special expertise in investigating innovative approaches to 'upstream' engagement and dialogue and interactive and experiential pedagogy. He has written about the expert/public interface in a number of formal and informal educational contexts including science museums/centres; science communication companies and the like.
Through the academic consultancy PIER logistics Ltd, Dr Watermeyer has led a number of UK Government and Government agency evaluations, most frequently in conjunction with Sciencewise.
Gene Rowe is a cognitive/social psychologist whose PhD (from Bristol Business School) concerned group forecasting processes. His subsequent work has focused on human judgment and decision making, especially in the 'food' context, and in particular on food risk perception/ management/ communication, as well as on public engagement processes (in science and technology decision making) and the evaluation of these. He has been successful at attaining and managing a variety of national and international projects.
Gene Rowe founded the GRE (Gene Rowe Evaluations) in 2010. The company focuses on conducting primary academic research, desk analysis, and evaluations of public and stakeholder engagement processes.